who We Are

Our Story

Where it all began

In 2019, an article in a local newspaper enlightened two of our founders about the severity and scale of our community’s youth food crisis. After learning that more than 150K children live below the poverty line in BC and understanding what that meant for their bodies, minds, and spirits, we knew we had to take action.

Helping bc cOmmunitIes

Since that first article-driven “aha” moment, we’ve formed a registered charity based in White Rock, BC, Canada, where our knowledge about BC’s food gaps has grown in bushels and heaps. For instance, we now know that Canada is the only G7 country that does not have a school food program in place. And we’re also aware that even hungry kids can feel hesitant to take advantage of charity-focused food initiatives due to embarrassment and the lack of anonymity.

A kid studying in school

Our InITiatIve

That’s why we’ve set out to change the story by cooking up carefully developed and mindfully executed food programs that connect bellies in need with the nourishment they deserve. 

Our Team

Our Board of Directors

Joseph ProdOr

Founding Director

Mark McDonalD


Melissa Wutke


Sam McDonalD


Toni Ward


Tyson Blume


Our Staff

Ngaire Leaf

Executive Director

Our board of directors is made up of local community members. This is a volunteer position and members do not receive compensation for their time.

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